Greetings, all! As described in, column "type" SERIAL is really an integer type with an implicit sequence associated by default with that column. In order to get the last generated value from the sequence, use the "currval" function, as described in Hope this helps! On 8/16/05, josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Greetings. > > INSERT INTO > orderstemp (customerid,datecreated) > VALUES > ('5443','8/16/2005 12:00PM') > > The table orderstemp has a unique identifier field, orderid (of type > SERIAL). > > How can I obtain the orderid of the record inserted in the INSERT INTO > statement in postgresql? > > MSSQL does it like this: > > INSERT INTO > orderstemp (customerid,datecreated) > VALUES > ('5443','8/16/2005 12:00PM') > SELECT @@identity as orderid > > but this doens't work in postgresql. > > Any ideas? Thanks in advance. > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate > subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your > message can get through to the mailing list cleanly >