D Kavan wrote:
I do a full vacuum and analyze every night, but I'm getting this error.
Those aren't errors. They are letting you know that you need to increase
your checkpoint_segments.
chived transaction log file "000000010000001200000091"
< % %2005-08-12 06:13:49 EDT>LOG: archived transaction log file
< % %2005-08-12 06:13:57 EDT>LOG: archived transaction log file
< % %2005-08-12 06:17:51 EDT>LOG: checkpoints are occurring too
frequently (16 seconds apart)
< % %2005-08-12 06:17:51 EDT>HINT: Consider increasing the
configuration parameter "checkpoint_segments".
<postgres %niehs_dev %2005-08-12 06:17:52 EDT>LOG: duration:
2426771.793 ms statement: VACUUM FULL;
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
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