I need some help understanding how to convert constraint triggers to normal foreign keys. I have several of them in my database that a previous dba created. Since they don't show up in most PostgreSQL tools, they are becoming a real pain to deal with. Here is an example of on of the constraint triggers: CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER sys_user_group_id_fkey AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON sys_user FROM sys_group NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_check_ins" ('sys_user_group_id_fkey', 'sys_user', 'sys_group', 'UNSPECIFIED', 'group_id', 'group_id'); I believe this is the same as the foriegn key definition, alter table sys_user add constraint sys_user_group_id_fkey foreign key(group_id) references sys_group(group_id) not deferrrable; Is this correct? If not, how would be proper foreign key be defined? Thanks, Chris