Hi, Here is my test, I think the privilege should be revoked
automatically. Otherwise, it is a dangerous thing: bash-2.05b$ createdb dod CREATE DATABASE bash-2.05b$ psql dod Welcome to psql 8.0.3, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL
commands \? for help with psql
commands \g or terminate with
semicolon to execute query \q to quit dod=# create user secretary_dod; CREATE USER dod=# create table terror (c1 int); CREATE TABLE dod=# grant select on terror to secretary_dod; GRANT dod=# \z terror
Access privileges for database "dod" Schema | Name | Type
Access privileges --------+--------+-------+------------------------------------------------------ public | terror | table |
{postgres=arwdRxt/postgres,secretary_dod=r/postgres} (1 row) dod=# drop user secretary_dod; DROP USER dod=# \z terror
Access privileges for database "dod" Schema | Name | Type
Access privileges --------+--------+-------+-------------------------------------------- public | terror | table |
{postgres=arwdRxt/postgres,103=r/postgres} (1 row) dod=# create user a_staff SYSID 103; CREATE USER dod=# \c - a_staff You are now connected as new user "a_staff". dod=> select * from terror; c1 ---- (0 rows) *** WOW!, A_staff can what the Secretary of Dept of Defense
could see *** |