I try to join two tables whereas some column values do have NULL values with the following query: select table1.column from table1, table2 where table1.column=table2.column table1.column and table2.column may have NULL values. The problem is that these columns where not selected. Does there exists any solution to select/join the NULL value colums also. I would be appeciate about any hint. PostgreSQL 7.4.5 With best regards Horst Duester --------------------------------- Dr. Horst Düster GIS-Koordinator /Amtschef Stv. Kanton Solothurn Amt für Geoinformation Abteilung SO!GIS Koordination Werkhofstr. 65 CH-4509 Solothurn Tel.: ++41 (0)32 627 25 32 Fax: ++41 (0)32 627 22 14 horst.duester@xxxxxxxx www.sogis.so.ch