Hi, I have a couple of issues. One is regarding a file called 'fsync' and the other is related to the sharedBuffers issue. 1) I am new to administering postgresql. When I was wandering through the configuration files for the PostgreSQL, I observed the 'fsync' file. This file is almost identical to the postgresql.conf file, but with differing values for parameters and some new / deleted parameters when compared with the postgresql.conf file. What is the file for? Does it have any specific importance to be taken care of? 2) What is the optimall value for shared_buffers parameter to be set for a huge database that contains a table with upto '4GB' data. We have a dedicated server with 2GB RAM. The maximum connections that can be made to the server is around 500. I found a lot of variation between opinions of different people on this value. I also observed that the said optimal values vary greatly with the version. For PostgreSQL7.X, some suggested an optimal value of 32MB RAM and for PostgreSQL8.0 some suggested a range of 32MB - 480MB. We are using PostgreSQL7.x. Any help will be highly appreciated. Regards, Kishore.