With Pg 8.0.x, with the capability of tablespace, it's possible to
create a Database that relie on many tbs.
I create the catalog (schemes pg_catalog, information_schema, obviously
except the tables/view that relies in tbs "pg_global") on the tablespace
"tbs1" and all other user objects on a different tbs "tbs2".
tbs1 and tbs2 stand on different volumes (v1 and v2).
After a v1 crash and subsequent tbs1 and catalog lost, there are some
ways (scripts?) to restore the catalog on a freshly new "tbs1"? (without
creating a DB and restarting from the last backup?).
Best regards.
CINECA Via Magnanelli 6/3
40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna)
Settore Gestione Sistemi
Francesco Dalla Ca'
Email f.dallaca@xxxxxxxxx