I'm having trouble GRANTing access on sequences. I created a database called 'asterisk' using the 'postgres' user. I then created 2 users called 'asterisk' and 'asterisk_owner'. I created a schema called 'asterisk' and GRANTed CREATE, DROP, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on this schema to 'asterisk_owner'. I signed in as 'asterisk_owner' and created some tables with primary keys based on sequences, then GRANTed SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE on these tables to 'asterisk'. When I log in as 'asterisk', I can insert rows but I can't use the implied nextval(). It says the relation <seq_name> does not exist. When I do a \dp, I can see the sequence objects listed, but no permissions are listed. The tables have all the expected permissions. I couldn't see anything in the reference for the GRANT command for sequences. -- woody ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted via http://www.codecomments.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------