Convenient dump of table and object size in PG 7.4

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Hello all:

Attached is a view I wrote for postgres 7.4 that seems to provide pretty
accurate reporting of table sizes. For each non-system table in a database
it shows base table size, size of any related TOAST data, and aggregate size
of indexes.

The code is somewhat ugly in that it contains a bunch of CASE statements the
sole point of which is to transform the occasional NULL into a 0.

Object sizes are computed from pg_class.relpages with an assumed page size
of 8192.

Comments and improvements most welcome.

-- sgl

Steve Lane
Vice President
Soliant Consulting, Inc.
(312) 850-3830 (V)
(312) 850-3930 (F)

iep_db=# select * from table_sizes;
            Name             |    Rows     | Base Size | Toast Size | Toast Index Size | index_size | Total Size MB 
 iep_log                     | 1.02768e+07 |    992.95 |       0.00 |             0.01 |    1243.68 |       2236.65
 iep_log_old                 | 8.04244e+06 |    774.64 |       0.00 |             0.01 |     973.30 |       1747.95
 student_search4             | 2.09414e+06 |    342.49 |       0.00 |             0.01 |     426.89 |        769.38
 iep_form_004                |       78921 |    159.97 |     245.56 |            16.86 |       4.30 |        426.69
 iep_form_004_goal           |      232900 |    213.50 |       0.70 |             0.03 |      16.81 |        231.04
 iep_form_004_goal_progress  |      486339 |    131.33 |       0.29 |             0.02 |      43.70 |        175.35
 iep_form_002                |       42234 |     50.36 |      67.88 |             0.96 |       1.56 |        120.75
 iep_guardian                |      160151 |     43.57 |       0.00 |             0.01 |      28.39 |         71.97
 iep_form_003                |       74492 |     56.17 |       0.01 |             0.02 |       2.70 |         58.90
 iep_form_010                |      165827 |     48.05 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       9.02 |         57.07
 iep_student                 |      104297 |     36.13 |       0.00 |             0.01 |      17.80 |         53.94
 deleted_forms               |       14769 |     22.84 |      12.50 |             0.18 |       0.00 |         35.52
 iep_form_004_supp           |       16429 |     13.00 |      19.91 |             0.27 |       0.31 |         33.50
 iep_student_team            |      138812 |     14.19 |       0.00 |             0.01 |      10.03 |         24.22
 iep_form_001                |       15265 |     16.12 |       0.54 |             0.04 |       0.59 |         17.29
 iep_form_011                |       20138 |     13.79 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.75 |         14.55
 iep_session                 |        5680 |      4.42 |       9.27 |             0.15 |       0.60 |         14.44
 iep_form_007                |       12655 |     12.94 |       0.34 |             0.03 |       0.49 |         13.80
 iep_form_005                |       13027 |      9.99 |       0.21 |             0.02 |       0.51 |         10.73
 iep_form_013                |        2525 |      4.74 |       4.12 |             0.18 |       0.20 |          9.24
 ifsp_goals                  |        7933 |      7.92 |       0.17 |             0.02 |       0.16 |          8.27
 iep_form_009                |       10367 |      6.84 |       0.16 |             0.02 |       0.41 |          7.42
 iep_message                 |       16157 |      6.96 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.31 |          7.27
 iep_form_008                |        6997 |      5.96 |       0.07 |             0.02 |       0.29 |          6.35
 iep_personnel               |        9480 |      2.80 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.82 |          3.63
 iep_form_012                |        2268 |      2.65 |       0.52 |             0.03 |       0.11 |          3.32
 iep_form_017                |        3242 |      2.40 |       0.66 |             0.03 |       0.16 |          3.26
 iep_privileges              |       18663 |      2.42 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.70 |          3.14
 iep_guardian_temp           |       17274 |      2.98 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          2.99
 iep_transfer_request        |        8379 |      1.47 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       1.47 |          2.94
 ifsp_team_members           |       14672 |      2.42 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.29 |          2.71
 ifsp_services               |        8059 |      2.16 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.16 |          2.33
 iep_supp                    |        1086 |      0.76 |       0.93 |             0.03 |       0.08 |          1.81
 iep_form_014                |        2053 |      1.49 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.11 |          1.61
 delete_goal_backup_bug2465  |        1382 |      1.24 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          1.25
 iep_goal_objective          |        5228 |      0.88 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.19 |          1.07
 iep_form_015                |         839 |      0.83 |       0.01 |             0.02 |       0.07 |          0.92
 ifsp_parents                |        4731 |      0.76 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.11 |          0.88
 ifsp_tran_plan_participants |        3344 |      0.59 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.08 |          0.68
 ifsp_team_other             |        4254 |      0.52 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.10 |          0.63
 iep_student_teambu          |        5747 |      0.60 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.61
 iep_goal_condition          |        2092 |      0.57 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.57
 iep_student_deleted         |        1696 |      0.55 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.56
 iep_school                  |        1270 |      0.28 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.25 |          0.54
 iep_form_016                |         607 |      0.40 |       0.02 |             0.02 |       0.07 |          0.50
 iep_rule51                  |        1470 |      0.34 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.07 |          0.42
 iep_school_name             |        1263 |      0.19 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.13 |          0.33
 iep_extracurriculars_saved  |        2229 |      0.29 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.30
 iep_district                |         510 |      0.19 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.10 |          0.29
 iep_form_006                |         280 |      0.20 |       0.01 |             0.02 |       0.03 |          0.26
 lps_mdt_paragraphs          |         385 |      0.14 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.03 |          0.18
 iep_survey                  |         239 |      0.11 |       0.01 |             0.02 |       0.03 |          0.17
 iep_school_report_date      |        1730 |      0.15 |       0.00 |             0.00 |       0.00 |          0.15
 iep_sesis_snapshot2         |         134 |      0.13 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.14
 iep_sesis_snapshot          |         206 |      0.12 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.13
 iep_school_non_public       |         494 |      0.07 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.03 |          0.11
 iep_messages                |          49 |      0.04 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.02 |          0.07
 iep_county                  |          95 |      0.02 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.03 |          0.06
 iep_goal_subtopic           |         351 |      0.03 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.02 |          0.06
 iep_goal_topic              |         153 |      0.02 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.02 |          0.04
 iep_goal_domain             |          21 |      0.01 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.02 |          0.03
 iep_goal_standard           |         229 |      0.02 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.03
 iep_form_newdupes           |           4 |      0.01 |       0.01 |             0.02 |       0.00 |          0.03
 master_form                 |           0 |      0.00 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.01 |          0.02
 iep_accom_checklist         |           9 |      0.01 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.02
 helper_student_team         |           3 |      0.01 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.02
 iep_pageviews               |           0 |      0.00 |       0.00 |             0.01 |       0.00 |          0.01
(67 rows)

iep_db=# \d table_sizes
       View "public.table_sizes"
      Column      |  Type   | Modifiers 
 Name             | name    | 
 Rows             | real    | 
 Base Size        | numeric | 
 Toast Size       | numeric | 
 Toast Index Size | numeric | 
 index_size       | numeric | 
 Total Size MB    | numeric | 
View definition:
 SELECT relname AS "Name", reltuples AS "Rows", round(0.008192 * relpages::numeric, 2) AS "Base Size", round(0.008192 * 
            WHEN (( SELECT c2.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2
              WHERE c2.oid = c1.reltoastrelid)) IS NULL THEN 0
            ELSE ( SELECT c2.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2
              WHERE c2.oid = c1.reltoastrelid)
        END::numeric, 2) AS "Toast Size", round(0.008192 * 
            WHEN (( SELECT c3.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_class c3
              WHERE c1.reltoastrelid = c2.oid AND c2.reltoastidxid = c3.oid)) IS NULL THEN 0
            ELSE ( SELECT c3.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_class c3
              WHERE c1.reltoastrelid = c2.oid AND c2.reltoastidxid = c3.oid)
        END::numeric, 2) AS "Toast Index Size", round(
            WHEN (( SELECT sum(c2.relpages::numeric * 0.008192) AS sum
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_index i
              WHERE c1.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid)) IS NULL THEN 0::numeric
            ELSE ( SELECT sum(c2.relpages::numeric * 0.008192) AS sum
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_index i
              WHERE c1.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid)
        END, 2) AS index_size, round(0.008192 * (relpages + 
            WHEN (( SELECT c2.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2
              WHERE c2.oid = c1.reltoastrelid)) IS NULL THEN 0
            ELSE ( SELECT c2.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2
              WHERE c2.oid = c1.reltoastrelid)
        END + 
            WHEN (( SELECT c3.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_class c3
              WHERE c1.reltoastrelid = c2.oid AND c2.reltoastidxid = c3.oid)) IS NULL THEN 0
            ELSE ( SELECT c3.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_class c3
              WHERE c1.reltoastrelid = c2.oid AND c2.reltoastidxid = c3.oid)
        END)::numeric + 
            WHEN (( SELECT sum(c2.relpages::numeric * 0.008192) AS sum
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_index i
              WHERE c1.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid)) IS NULL THEN 0::numeric
            ELSE ( SELECT sum(c2.relpages::numeric * 0.008192) AS sum
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_index i
              WHERE c1.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid)
        END, 2) AS "Total Size MB"
   FROM pg_class c1
   LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c1.relnamespace
  WHERE (c1.relkind = 'r'::"char" OR c1.relkind = ''::"char") AND n.nspname <> 'pg_catalog'::name AND n.nspname <> 'pg_toast'::name AND pg_table_is_visible(c1.oid)
  ORDER BY round(0.008192 * (relpages + 
            WHEN (( SELECT c2.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2
              WHERE c2.oid = c1.reltoastrelid)) IS NULL THEN 0
            ELSE ( SELECT c2.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2
              WHERE c2.oid = c1.reltoastrelid)
        END + 
            WHEN (( SELECT c3.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_class c3
              WHERE c1.reltoastrelid = c2.oid AND c2.reltoastidxid = c3.oid)) IS NULL THEN 0
            ELSE ( SELECT c3.relpages
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_class c3
              WHERE c1.reltoastrelid = c2.oid AND c2.reltoastidxid = c3.oid)
        END)::numeric + 
            WHEN (( SELECT sum(c2.relpages::numeric * 0.008192) AS sum
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_index i
              WHERE c1.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid)) IS NULL THEN 0::numeric
            ELSE ( SELECT sum(c2.relpages::numeric * 0.008192) AS sum
               FROM pg_class c2, pg_index i
              WHERE c1.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid)
        END, 2) DESC;

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