I just went live yesterday and I can see many idle processes on my redhat AS4 running postgres 8.0.2 Is this something I should be worried about? Being a newb to Linux and somewhat to postgres I need to add the vacuum and backup scenario. Josh from Commandpromt gave me some syntax, so I am wondering about how often I should vacuum ? An example of cron setting would be perfect. I may run the backup from a different server.
Also I am experiencing an issue with French text not appearing correctly on the web site. We did not have this issue in testing and even now when we hook up to a test server locally (running windows) the French text appears ok in a test of our app running on a desk top.
In production I have windows 2000 for my IIS server and the Linux box for Data. Any ideas how to fix up my French the database itself is SQL_ASCHII.
Joel Fradkin
Wazagua, Inc.