Hello, I am very confused. I have a Debian server with PostGreSQL running. I have everything installed and working. Here is my wish list: 1. To do anything, I have to "su - postgres". This has no password. How do I put a password on it. I have tried "passwd postgres wackypass" but it did not work. 2. How do I add new users? When I add a regular user account in Linux does it add a Postgres user automatically? I tried "createuser" and it works but I can't login as that user in phpPgAdmin (front page login). Once I login with the "false" security (see Question 3), I see all the users I added with "createuser". 3. With phpPgAdmin, I can login because i turned "extra_login_security" to false... not very secure. How does this relate to the adduser (Linux account) and/or "createuser". I am sorry about the questions. I have spent hours reading and piecing together posts to try to reverse into my answers but have had no luck. Thank you in advance, Stephen