Hi guys i have a following query: SELECT nspname as schema, relname as objeto FROM pg_class bc, pg_attribute ta, pg_namespace ns, pg_type ty WHERE ta.attrelid = bc.oid and ta.attnum > 0 and not ta.attisdropped and nspname <> 'information_schema' and nspname not like 'pg_%' and relam = 0 and bc.relnamespace = ns.oid and bc.relname not like 'pg_%' and ta.atttypid = ty.oid group by nspname, relname order by nspname, relname asc with this query I obtain the schema name and the objects of this it , but like I can know that they are, that is to say if they are tables, views, functions, sequences, etc ???????? thank for all -- cordialmente, Ing. Mario Soto Cordones