Hello list, there is migrate to postgreSQL 8.0. and I have begun to have some errors, before had the 7.4.5: For example I have the following function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."find_observaciones_activos" (integer, integer, text) RETURNS SETOF "public"."finddoc_t" AS $body$ select set_curcfg('default'); select co_empresa, co_filial, nu_activo_fijo,sq_serialcolumn, headline(tx_observaciones, q), rank(vector, q) from observaciones_activos, to_tsquery($3) as q where co_empresa = $1 and co_filial = $2 and vector @@ q order by rank(vector,q) desc $body$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER; and to execute this say cache lookup failed for function 8044889 CONTEXT: sentencia SQL: «select lt.tokid, map.dict_name from public.pg_ts_cfgmap as map, public.pg_ts_cfg as cfg, public.token_type( $1 ) as lt where lt.alias = map.tok_alias and map.ts_name = cfg.ts_name and cfg.oid= $2 order by lt.tokid desc;» función SQL «find_observaciones_activos» en la sentencia 1 i drop all functions and I have recreated them again, but the problem persist, but with the 7.4.5 version all work fine... only functions alone the functions related with ltree or tsearch or spatial implementation don't work any idea please ????? -- cordialmente, Ing. Mario Soto Cordones