It is generally not recommended that you kill processes with anything
stronger than HUP, which is (I believe) what kill sends by default.
Stronger signals will cause all backends to kill themselves because of
paranoia about data corruption.
If the process does not respond to that, then there is no convenient
way to kill it.
You can correlate processes to queries using the pg_stat_activity view.
Thomas F. O'Connell
Co-Founder, Information Architect
Sitening, LLC
Strategic Open Source: Open Your i™
110 30th Avenue North, Suite 6
Nashville, TN 37203-6320
On Apr 22, 2005, at 6:03 PM, Ken Reid wrote:
Hi Thomas.
I have been searching high and low and cannot find a way to kill an
user process with Postgres.
I have tried using a kill -9 to kill a specific process but that
brings the
entire postmaster down.
This seems to be a very common problem with no answers.
Would you happen to know how to do this?
- Ken