Check the pg_hba.conf file to see if you have access to the database, as
user that you are trying to connect as, from the IP you are trying to
connect from.
I'll bet that you don't. Check you postgres error logs, and you should
see the refused connection. You might have to tweak the logging settings.
Also, the exact error you get would be a bit more helpful.
Askar Zaidi wrote:
Iam trying to take a dump of my DB from one machine to another in this
on the secondary database:
pg_dump -b -h (dbname) > /tmp/dump.dump
my error is :
could not connect to database etc...etc..
although the file dump.dump in /tmp is created.(it's empty)
I can access remote database on my secondary through phpPgAdmin.
Any clues??
Askar Zaidi
Central Computer Facility,
National Physical Laboratory,
New Delhi, India
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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
Brad Nicholson 416-673-4106
Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.