On Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 09:14:34PM +0200, Felipe Balbi wrote: > > Hi all, > > I'm trying to build the perfbook, but I always get a build failure while > building the Dining Philosopher's images, as shown below: > > SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher4part-b.eps --> SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher4part-b.pdf > SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5.eps --> SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5.pdf > SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5PEM.eps --> SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5PEM.pdf > SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5TB.eps --> SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5TB.pdf > make: *** [Makefile:400: SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5TB.pdf] Error 1 > make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... > make: *** [Makefile:400: SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5.pdf] Error 1 > make: *** [Makefile:400: SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher4part-b.pdf] Error 1 > make: *** [Makefile:400: SMPdesign/DiningPhilosopher5PEM.pdf] Error 1 > > Any ideas on how to debug this? Apologies for the hassle! This looks like an issue involving GhostScript and pstricks-base. Quoting Akira Yokosawa below for workarounds. Thanx, Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This September saw updates in both GhostScript (9.53.0, now 9.53.3) and pstricks-base (3.01). It turned out this combination is the cause of the error you have encountered. Update announcement of pstricks-base 3.01 [1] says: This version has a modified pstricks.tex|.pro for GhostScript versions > 9.52 However, it does not work with ghostscript 9.53.x in perfbook's use cases. So, one workaround would be to downgrade ghostscript to 9.52 [2]. Another option would be to downgrade pstricks-base to 2.90 (2018/12/17) (or similar [3]), which is the version in Fedora's current TeX Live package. But note that an old version of pstricks-base might be incompatible with the up-to-date upstream TeX Live. It may sound strange but pstrics-base 2.90 works with ghostscript 9.53.x as far as transparency composition is not concerned. Perfbook's figures don't use transparency composition. [1]: pstricks-base 3.01 update announcement on CTAN: https://www.ctan.org/ctan-ann/id/mailman.2839.1600699145.2548.ctan-ann@xxxxxxxx [2]: GhostScript release downloads: https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases [3]: pstricks-base (as of 2019/02/27) https://www.texlive.info/tlnet-archive/2019/02/27/tlnet/archive/pstricks.tar.xz GhostScript's compatibility-breaking "security" updates have caused a lot of troubles these days... Hopefully pstricks-base would catch up gs 9.53.x soon. Thanks, Akira