Re: pausing the stack?

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Sometimes a second module will prompt for the password, and since the first one already did, it may not be the module. (One possibility is to use the try_first_pass in the configuration file and see if the secondary prompt goes away).


Jason Gerfen wrote:

I am running into a problem with a module I have been working on with a co-worker... below is short summary of what is occuring and the functions it performs;

1. reads a config file into arguments
2. looks at local accounts for current pam_get_user()
3. if no local acct. present connects to ldap and looks for user
4. if user present in ldap the local account gets created so the pam_krb5 module can map the ticket to the local account

my problem is this, everything is working but currently you have to input your username & password combination twice due to the account creation process. I have tried the following trying to get it working;

1. tried forking the local account creation
2. tried forking the local account home directory setup
3. tried forking the ldap search
4. tried forking the entire pam_sm_authenticate() functions which resulted in everything else showing up in the logs after pam_krb5 ran

I need to know of a way maybe in the configuation of the pam stack to require it to pause before moving on to the next pam module in the list...

any help on this would be great, oh yeah i can't use the because the account and home directory information needs to be present *prior* to kerberos and the ticket mapping portion of their authentication. =)



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