Re: chmod 444 /etc/shadow

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On Sat, 17 May 2003, Jason Clifford wrote:

> On Fri, 16 May 2003, ahoward wrote:
> > i had quite a difficult time getting pam authentication to work with
> > postgresql, as have a good deal many other people.  turns out, since
> > postgresql runs as a non-privleged used, that pam was failing since the
> > process using it (postgresql) didn't have read permissions for /etc/shadow.
> >
> > now, i read the faq and this is mentioned, but i would like to confirm that
> > the only two approaches to this sort of problem are setuid type fixes and
> > normal file permission type fixes?  can someone confirm this definitively?
> That's pretty much it yes.
> Do *NOT* however set the permissions you list in the subject line. That
> would completely undo all the benefits of using the shadow file rather
> than just /etc/passwd.
> The common solution to this is to create a group specifically for those
> processes/users authorised to read /etc/shadow and to give that group read
> permission on the file - ie:
> addgroup shadow-readers
> chgrp shadow-readers /etc/shadow
> chmod 0440 /etc/shadow
> then simply add the necessary users (postgresql only in your case) to the
> group.
> Before you do this however check that you don't have any security
> enhancements on your system that will cause problems if you do this.

hmm.  sounds great, but it doesn't seem to work?

  [root@xxxxx dsg]# grep etc /etc/group

  [root@xxxxx dsg]# ls -l /etc/shadow
  -r--r-----    1 root     etcshado     2526 May  8 20:09 /etc/shadow

  [root@xxxxx dsg]# groups postgres
  postgres : postgres etcshadow

so /etc/shadow is readable by anyone, like postgres, in the etcshadow group.

now on another host:

  ~ > psql -h omega
  psql: FATAL:  PAM authentication failed for user "ahoward"

now if i do:

  [root@xxxxx dsg]# chmod 444 /etc/shadow

it (authentication by postgresql as user postgres) works.

alternatively i *could* add every user wishing connectivity to postgresql to
the etcshadow group, but in my case this is nearly identical to chmod 444?!

am i missing something completely obvious here?  i realize this is not a great
situation but nothing 'safe' seems to work...


  | Ara Howard
  | NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
  | Information and Technology Services
  | Data Systems Group
  | R/FST 325 Broadway
  | Boulder, CO 80305-3328
  | Email: ara.t.howard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  | Phone:  303-497-7238
  | Fax:    303-497-7259



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