<SNIP> > You say the NDS groups are set up for Unix use, and your nsswitch.conf > looks correct. Do these groups work outside of Apache? If you do 'id > <nds_user>' at the command line, are the supplemental NDS groups shown? > > Regardless, this doesn't look like a PAM problem to me, since PAM doesn't > do any handling of /etc/groups. <SNIP> Well, believe it or not I had never used the id command before. Sure enough, it wasn't seeing those NDS groups. Once I added the group I needed as the Primary Group for Unix in NDS it worked fine, but it doesn't seem to recognize other NDS group memberships. It seems to be an NDS for Linux implementation issue, and since I now have a workaround (making the group I'm concerned about the Primary) I'm going to consider this one solved, if not exactly the way I would have liked. I'll have to complain to Novell about their implementation I guess. Thanks for the assist Steve. As is usual on a Linux list I got the answer in 8 minutes instead of 2 hours on hold with Novell, and saved my company $200 in the bargain. I asked this on Novell's listserv for NDS on Unix a week ago and got absolutely no response. I love this "unsupported" OS! :-)