Mike Traynor wrote: > I've been trying to get SAMBA 2.2.x up and running as a PDC and NT domain logon server > for a few client machines running win98se/winme. The unix machine is an intel x86 running > RedHat Linux 7.0. I tried the SAMBA 2.2.0 rpm first and was unable to get it working. Where did you find that? > I kept > getting log messages of the following sort for each attempted authentication from a client > machine: > > [2001/07/23 04:42:26, 0] passdb/pampass.c:smb_pam_passcheck(830) > smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User mdt ! Hmmm.. I don't recall in any detail, but this vaguely points toward not having a valid SMB user. I don't know if Samba still requires a separate userlist; I seem to recall that it caused a great many problems if you try to avoid that. > By the way, I have plain-text passwords enabled for both the SAMBA server (as is the default) > and for the windoze clients (edited registry). I have done this to avoid dealing with the > problem of keeping the unix and smb passwords in sync. Could this be causing the problem > with authentication? Unlikely; Samba's default config file includes a line to handle password sync. Unless you have a *very* weird system, it should work OK. -kgd -- Money is overrated.