Could you please help me ! I have LDAP server 2.0.6 with nss_ldap and pam_ldap. I have compiled on my LDAP server rlogind un rshd with pam support and my /etc/pam.d/rlogin file has : auth required /lib/security/ auth required /lib/security/ no_rhosts no_hosts_equiv auth sufficient /lib/security/ auth required /lib/security/ try_first_pass account sufficient /lib/security/ account required /lib/security/ password required /lib/security/ password sufficient /lib/security/ password required /lib/security/ use_first_pass session required /lib/security/ But when I issue command from test mashine : rsh -l test2 ldapserver ( test2 - is LDAP user ), i get -" rlogin: connection closed" and in syslog on LDAP server - "in.rlogind[14793]: PAM authentication failed for in.rlogind" ! Why is it ? ___________________________ Thank you beforehand