I almost feel like I'm monopolizing the pam mailing list... Thanks to solar designer's crypt_blowfish there is now support for bcrypt. I found and fixed a couple of bugs too. These were pretty bad bugs, so I looked for similar problems elsewhere without finding any. The initial 24 hour release period went pretty well (pam_crypt is the topic on irc.uddf.net/#hackersclub and #cdc :) and I've had quite a few people do some testing. Based on the response I've recieved I am definately going to continue development and get this ready for Linux-PAM-0.76 (I like to think of it as doing my part to break the 1mb mark on the tarball :). I'll probably work on adding the feature I mentioned in response to Steve Langasek on the list. Other suggestions would be appreciated (check TODO file though first). Thanks for the support, Adam Slattery