The first one should be pretty straightforward with PAM. The second two are probably best solved elsewhere. My thoughts are below... On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, ken rhodes wrote: > Hi; > > For those who would like to help, or are interested. I am reading the > PAM Documentation. I understand I have to program in C. I am just having > a problem understanding where to start. > > What I need the module to do; > 1) Restrict logins to having only one login at a time. ( With the > exception of the system administration team) You may be able to do this with existing modules. What you want to do is set up a second user database that contains only the currently logged in users, then refuse a login if the user is already in the database. If they're not there, add them. This would need to be last in the stack. > 2) Track limited accounts. Maybe even e-mail the account, or pop up a > warning screen when they are at there limit. I need this programmable > because right now we have 30 hour and 90 hour accounts, and we may add > more in the future. I also need this part to email the accounting person > with the amount these limited accounts are over for billing purposes. Where do you store user's monthly usage stats? What granularity do you need? (i.e is it enough to notify a user within 15 minutes of their going over limit? 5 minutes? 1?) The easiest solution I see is setting up a cron job to query your usage stats every x minutes, noticing who's over limit, and notifying them and your accounting person. If you're not keeping usage stats, then PAM can help you do that. > 3) I would also like this module to check to see when all of our > phone lines are busy, and kick off people who have not done anything for > 20 minutes or more. This is probably best done outside of PAM. Write a daemon to watch your phone lines and notice when they're all used. Then check the output of 'w' or read /proc to find out who's been idle. then 'kill -TERM <login_shell>' -mike > > >From all of my reading in the PAM modules there are no modules that fit > in this category, but if there is a teem already working on a project > like this I would like to start to help; Otherwise, I would like to set > up a project team for this project. > > Thank you; > Ken Rhodes > Webmaster > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > > > -- GnuPG key available at Key ID = 1024D/9A256AE5 1999-11-13 Mike Glover <> Key fingerprint = EF6E 8BCB 4810 E98C F0FD 4596 367A 32B7 9A25 6AE5