Quite some time ago Elvis Pfützenreuter requested the inclusion of his pam_mount into the mainstream PAM distribution (http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/pam-list/2000-11/0013.html). Much more recently, I came across his PAM module and a patch by Mukesh Agrawal which allows local encrypted volumes to be mounted at login time -- encrypted home directories. This partially solves the problem of "Security against theft of Linux machines" listed in the International Kernel Patch TODO at http://www.kerneli.org/todo.html. Has any more consideration gone into including pam_mount in the mainstream PAM distribution? I think that the additional capabilities provided by pam_mount are very nice and have been using it for about a month. I have not been able to get a hold of Elvis Pfützenreuter to submit my pam_mount changes, so the most current pam_mount should be mine, available at http://www.flyn.org. I can't find any record of Elvis beyond around 2000 and none of his email addresses work. I am willing to maintain pam_mount if necessary. -- Mike :wq