Re: provider implementation of verify: cannot find private key of public key from example-pub.pem

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Hey Richard,

thanks so much. I try to distinct between private and public key by using different methods for decoding:

{PROV_NAMES_ED25519PH, "provider=myprov,input=der,structure=SubjectPublicKeyInfo", dispatch_decoder_ed25519_der_pub, PROV_DESCS_ED25519}, // ,input=der,structure=pkcs8

{PROV_NAMES_ED25519PH, "provider=myprov,input=der,structure=PrivateKeyInfo", dispatch_decoder_ed25519_der, PROV_DESCS_ED25519}, // ,input=der,structure=pkcs8

May I have a problem with the callbacks? How would I distinct between returning a reference to a public and/or private key in the callback params:

        OSSL_PARAM params[4];
        int object_type = OSSL_OBJECT_PKEY;
params[0] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_int(OSSL_OBJECT_PARAM_TYPE, &object_type); params[1] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_string(OSSL_OBJECT_PARAM_DATA_TYPE, (char *)KEYNAME_MYKEY, 12); params[2] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string(OSSL_OBJECT_PARAM_REFERENCE, (void*)data, data_len);
        params[3] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_end();

But anyhow when calling openssl verify, my decoder is not matching. The dispatcher seems to toggle between KeyManagement and Decoding:

openssl pkeyutl -provider-path build -provider default -provider lib_ed25519ph -propquery ?provider=myprov -verify -inkey example-pub.pem -pubin -in message.txt -rawin -sigfile message.txt.sigp

operating switch: 22 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new 0x61019a92ce20 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new 0x61019a92ce70 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new 0x61019a92e6c0 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new 0x61019a92e710 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a92e6c0 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a92e710 operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new 0x61019a931280 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new 0x61019a9313f0 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new 0x61019a933400 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a9333b0 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a933400 operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90 operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT, 12=SIG, 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x61019a917c90
Could not find private key of public key from example-pub.pem
80FBC83E5A780000:error:1608010C:STORE routines:ossl_store_handle_load_result:unsupported:crypto/store/store_result.c:151: 80FBC83E5A780000:error:1608010C:STORE routines:ossl_store_handle_load_result:unsupported:crypto/store/store_result.c:151:
pkeyutl: Error initializing context
ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a931280 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a9313f0 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a92ce20 ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free 0x61019a92ce70

All the best,

Am 03.09.24 um 15:36 schrieb Richard Levitte:
When calling the decoder, the selection bits don't have an absolute meaning, i.e. all bits set doesn't mean "you MUST give a private key". They're more like a wish list of parts, and it's up to the decoder to make good enough sense of it.  So, if a decoder that handles the structure SubjectPublicKeyInfo sees all selector bits set, and the input is, in fact, a SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure, then it should produce keydata with the public parts, and pass that on.

libcrypto will figure out if the loaded key corresponds to what was actually asked for...

So if your decoder signals an error if the private bits couldn't be found, just because the selector bits had PRIV set, then your decoder is a bit too strict to be useful.


On Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 11:54 AM 'Bernd Ritter' via openssl-users <openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hey everyone,

    still wondering, why OpenSSL wants to access the private key for
    verification. Does this have to do with the (missing) store
    implementation? But the private key is there and can be used for
    the payload.

    ed25519ph-provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder pem does selection
    for private key: 0x87, sel=0x87: PRIV (0x01) PUB (0x02) DOM (0x04) OTH
    Could not find private key of public key from example-pub.pem

    Hoping for some insights,

    Am 27.08.24 um 09:30 schrieb 'Bernd Ritter' via openssl-users:
     > Hey everyone,
     > I am still struggling on this. My lead was to check if the public
     > was somehow incorrect. But both the ed25519 and my own
    X509_PUBKEY look
     > quite similar:
     > # openssl asn1parse -in example-pub.ed25519.pem
     >      0:d=0  hl=2 l=  42 cons: SEQUENCE
     >      2:d=1  hl=2 l=   5 cons: SEQUENCE
     >      4:d=2  hl=2 l=   3 prim: OBJECT            :ED25519
     >      9:d=1  hl=2 l=  33 prim: BIT STRING
     > # openssl asn1parse -in example-pub.pem
     >      0:d=0  hl=2 l=  42 cons: SEQUENCE
     >      2:d=1  hl=2 l=   5 cons: SEQUENCE
     >      4:d=2  hl=2 l=   3 prim: OBJECT            :
     >      9:d=1  hl=2 l=  33 prim: BIT STRING
     > Besides that, given the logs below the provider does not seem to
    load my
     > own decoder to read the public key file. But I have no idea which
     > might be.
     > Hoping for some ideas.
     > All the best,
     > Bernd
     > Am 19.08.24 um 11:51 schrieb 'Bernd Ritter' via openssl-users:
     >> Hello everyone,
     >> I want to verify a signature from a message with my custom
     >> Generating the private and public key works, I get to create the
     >> custom oid'd keys example.pem and example-pub.pem as files.
     >> Creating the signature from a text file also works.
     >> Then I naturally want to verify the message against the signature.
     >> Here I get this:
     >> openssl pkeyutl -provider-path build -provider default -provider
     >> ed25519ph -propquery ?provider=myprovider -verify -inkey
     >> example-pub.pem -pubin -in message.txt -rawin -sigfile
     >> ed25519ph provider init...
     >> ed25519ph provider init complete
     >> operating switch: 22 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free
     >> operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context new
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free
     >> provider/src/ed25519ph_decoder.c - Decoder context free
     >> operating switch: 10 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> operating switch: 21 (1=DIGEST, 2=CIPHER, 5=RAND, 10=KEYMGMT,
     >> 20=ENC, 21=DEC, 22=STOR), 0x595220dedc90
     >> Could not find private key of public key from example-pub.pem
     >> 800BFD680F7A0000:error:1608010C:STORE
     >> 800BFD680F7A0000:error:1608010C:STORE
     >> pkeyutl: Error initializing context
     >> Why does OpenSSL look for the private key in the public key
    file? The
     >> same command using ed25519 and ed25519ph (as pkeyopt) work just
     >> All the best,
     >> Bernd

-- Bernd Ritter
    Senior Linux Developer
    Tel.: +49 175 534 4534
    Mail: ritter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ritter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

    B1 Systems GmbH
    Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg /
    GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt, HRB 3537

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/Richard Levitte <levitte@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:levitte@xxxxxxxxxxx>>/
/OpenSSL Project

Bernd Ritter
Senior Linux Developer
Tel.: +49 175 534 4534
Mail: ritter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg /
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt, HRB 3537

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