The long anticipated OpenSSL Providers Workshop is finally here! We have
divided the workshop into two tracks the Users Track and the Authors
Track. Please join us next week for the Live OpenSSL Providers Workshop:
Users Track. Due to world wide interest, we will be hosting two sessions
of the Users Track at different times to allow people from different
time zones to be able to join our workshops live.
The Users Track will cover how to use OpenSSL providers. It will be
split into 3 separate presentations by OpenSSL Engineers. There will be
opportunities to ask questions after each talk, as well as at the end
where there will be an open forum for any questions or feedback not
covered by the individual presentations.
Learn more and register in advance for the workshop here(please choose
the time zone that works best for you):
Session 1: APAC Time Zone
When: Dec 6, 2023 07:00 AM Universal Time UTC
Register in advance:
Session 2: Americas and EMEA Time Zone
When: Dec 7, 2023 04:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar.
If you have any questions or comments please contact us at
If you are unable to attend please contact us and we will provide a
recording of the meeting.
The OpenSSL Project