On 5/18/23 11:34, Don Payette wrote:
I'm new to the list so please be kind.
I'm a programmer that is responsible for a Windows Service written in
Visual C++.It communicates with a server using Winsock. I've been
tasked with converting it to use encryption for the connection.
Are there any sample programs or any kind of guidance in how to code this?
There are a number of secure communication protocols that you need to at
least be aware of before you go looking at how to manage credentials
like with X.509 certificates.
These days, Microsoft is all IP-based. I remember when....
But what is the transport? TCP, UDP, STP, etc.
then you look at the landscape: IPsec/HIP, TLS/DTLS, QUIC, etc.
THEN you look at credentials and can you use M$ credential stores?
Disclaimer: I have worked in IETF on secure communications for over 20