There is no straightforward way to do that. What do you want to do with the public and private EVP_PKEYs? Tomas On Fri, 2022-03-04 at 07:28 +0000, Srinivas, Saketh (c) wrote: > HI, > > i have EvpKeyPair from GenerateEvpKeyPair(dh_p, dh_g, &pEvpKeyPair) > > How can I get the public key and priv key from keypair. The below > function gives them as bignums but not Evp_pkey. > > (EVP_PKEY_get_bn_param(pEvpKeyPair, OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_PUB_KEY, &pubKey) > > I want pub key and priv keys as evp_pkey. > > Thanks, > Saketh. > > > Notice: This e-mail together with any attachments may contain > information of Ribbon Communications Inc. and its Affiliates that is > confidential and/or proprietary for the sole use of the intended > recipient. Any review, disclosure, reliance or distribution by others > or forwarding without express permission is strictly prohibited. If > you > are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately > and then delete all copies, including any attachments. -- Tomáš Mráz, OpenSSL