Hello. I first thought it was musl related but the AlpineLinux bug report turned out to be wrong, i can easily reproduce it anywhere, it is just that the according script only runs there: #?0|kent:$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/usr-kent-crux-linux-x86_64/opt/.ossl3/lib64/ #?0|kent:$ ~/usr-kent-crux-linux-x86_64/opt/.ossl3/bin/openssl bla Invalid command 'bla'; type "help" for a list. #?1|kent:$ ~/usr-kent-crux-linux-x86_64/opt/.ossl3/bin/openssl chacha20 Segmentation fault #?139|kent:$ Works with "enc -chacha20". --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)