I have a simple application that uses OpenSSL 3.0.0 for
AES-GCM encryption and decryption only. Looking at the size of
the binary on disc, I see it's a few KBs when linking
dynamically with libcrypto, and 4.8 MB when linking
statically. Although I know the large footprint of OpenSSL is
considered "a fact of life", this seems excessive. From
experience with other crypto implementations, I know that the
*actual* crypto functionality that I am using can fit in 10s
of KBs and I
would like to understand the reasons for OpenSSL's size
better. I am on Linux, 64 bits, using gcc 9.3.0.
Some analysis of the binary reveals (not surprisingly) that
it contains many OpenSSL symbols that have nothing to do with
the functionality that I am using. Those seem to get pulled in
because objects get linked in as a whole and apparently the
layout of the object contents are such that the symbols needed
for my functionality are spread out over many different
It was my hope that I could mitigate this by compiling
OpenSSL and my application with the flags -ffunction-sections,
-fdata-sections, -Os and -flto and using --gc-sections and
-flto when linking. (See
3.10 Options That Control
Optimization of GCC's documentation). This did reduce
the binary size by 2 MB, leaving me with almost 3 MB. Almost
90% of that was in the text section and a bit over 10% in the
data section. I do not have sufficient experience with these
options to assess how well the optimizations worked in this
case, I think the resulting binary is still pretty large.
I have not tried disabling any of the features when
building OpenSSL. I suspect that may help a little bit because
it may result in a decrease in size of (some) objects, but I
have seen people reporting disappointing results of
that on the web. Also, it does not seem to be a workable
approach in general to have to figure out which build options
to use and to have to rebuild OpenSSL for every type of
application that I create.
Did any people here try similar things, with better
results? Does anybody have any other suggestions as to what I
could try? And what is the explanation (or justification) for
this excessive footprint?