On 05/04/21 22:07, Boris Shpoungin via
openssl-users wrote:
I'd say you're better off asking this question on a Tizen mailing list; the list looks pretty exhaustive but does it list everything? only one way to find out: recompile your application using openssl 1.1.1 and see if/where it breaks. If you are worried about the combination of Linux 3.0.8 plus the switch from openssl 1.0.2 -> 1.1.1 then I'd suggest a three step process 1) build openssl 1.1.1 on your old kernel and run 'make test' if that passes, then openssl is functional ; if it does not pass these tests, then figure out what's wrong before proceeding 2) get yourself a Linux vm with a newer kernel and with a known-to-work openssl 1.1.1 (Fedora 33 & Ubuntu 20, CentOS 8 would work) then rebuild and relink your application on THAT platform, recording all required changes 3) finally, rebuild your ported application on the older Linux kernel HTH, JJK