Have a look at the openssl-fipsinstall manual page.
The self tests are run when the FIPS provider is installed.
You can run the install manually using:
openssl fipsinstall -module ./fips.so -out fips.cnf -provider_name fips
I think that a verify command will also run them:
openssl fipsinstall -module ./fips.so -in fips.cnf -provider_name
fips -verify
The normal "make test" runs the FIPS self tests. They run very quickly
when compared to the old FOM, NIST hasrelaxed the rules significantly.
To run them on demand, have a look at the OSSL_PROVIDER-FIPS and
OSSL_SELF_TEST_new manual pages. It's easiest to run them from the
command line.
On 5/2/21 7:48 pm, Nagarjun J wrote:
Can any one tell , how to run POST tests in openssl-3.0.0.