Hello, everyone!
I'm creating a p12 bundled certificate (I used it for Android phone). Used both easyrsa command and, alternatively, openssl command as shown in many manuals, like this:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -certfile ca.crt -name "name" -out client_android.p12
The idea is to bundle up user key/cert and ca used to sign these. The problem, though, is that when installing this bundle on Android phone, it only recognizes the USER cert+ky, but not the CA!
However, quite recently, I used the same command to create cert.p12 for another env, and THAT bundle is recognized as containing all three: user key+cert + CA.cert.
The command seems to be the same. What could be missing there?
Thank you for you help :)