I read the most recent (10/20) update to the OpenSSL 3.0 release page here:
As well as the release strategy: https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php?title=OpenSSL_3.0_Release_Schedule&oldid=3099
I have not done anything with the Alpha releases so far, but I noticed the note "Basic functionality plus basic FIPS module".
Does this mean that there is a FIPS module available to test with in the alpha(and presumably
beta) releases?
If the answer to that question is "yes", I'm assuming that the validation of that FIPS Module
can't/won't start until after the Final OpenSSL 3.0 release. The timeframe for that validation is TBD, as it always varies.
The Final 3.0 release is currently behind schedule as it was estimated "early Q4 2020". Any
ideas on how much behind that release is?
Thanks in advance for any information.