Hi, I have a question regarding the recordlayer and zeroization of plain text data. To my understanding openssl (I am on v1.1.1g) maintains inbound data for TLS1.2 within SSL.rlayer.rbuf.The data is split into records and the meta information is kept in SSL.rlayer.rrec. The data pointers isself alias SSS.rlayer.rbuf. Decryption of inbound data is done in-place in ssl3_get_record(). So the rbuf stores (possibly sensitive) plaintext data until it is reused by followup data. Is this correct? I might be blind, but I just cannot find the location where this plaintext data is zeroized, neither by OPENSSL_cleanse() nor memset(). Am I blind, or is this just not done? Shouldn't there be a way to do this just like it is already done with keys? The reasoning behind this, is that in some cases it might not only be necessary to get rid of keys when no longer used, but also to get rid of all residuals transported over the secure channel. Note on outbound: In the outbound path, to my understanding no plaintext copies are created, since plain data only lives in the user buffer passed to openssl. The user has to take of this part. Thx in advance & keep up your good work & kind regards Martin