The attached script summarizes git log data and generates CSV lines for each commit. For example, ; git log -2 | ~/
8984, 2019-05-23, levitte@xxxxxxxxxxx, O, paul.dale@xxxxxxxxxx, O 9624, 2019-08-18, bernd.edlinger@xxxxxxxxxx, C, levitte@xxxxxxxxxxx, O It ignores log entries that don’t follow the common format of having “Reviewed-by” and “Merged from” lines. This can be useful to get a handle on PR’s and reviewer activity. I don’t yet know what questions to ask :) but it will be nice to have numbers that prove that the project needs to improve its reviewer flow
:( There’s rumors that the project will be announcing some restructuring or policy changes soon, and maybe this will be helpful input to that process. |
#! /usr/bin/env perl # Read "git log" output (usually a subset, not the whole log) and print # summary lines for each PR showing author, date, reviewers (one per line). # A typical use, see who reviewed PR's in the first quarter of 2019: # git log --since 1/1/2019 --until 3/31/2019 | perl use strict; use warnings; use Date::Parse; # Things we log. my $author = '-'; my $when = '-'; my $pr = 0; my @reviewers; # List of OMC members who use addresses my %omc_email = ( 'paul.dale@xxxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'kurt@xxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'ben@xxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx' => 1, ); my %committers = ( 'Matthias.St.Pierre@xxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'beldmit@xxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'bernd.edlinger@xxxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'bkaduk@xxxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'davidben@xxxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'kaduk@xxxxxxx' => 1, 'nic.tuv@xxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'patrick.steuer@xxxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'paulyang.inf@xxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'shane.lontis@xxxxxxxxxx' => 1, 'tmraz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' => 1, ); # Return "O" if |$1| is an OMC member, "C" if they are a committer, or # "N" otherwise. sub user_type { my $email = shift; return "O" if $email =~ m/\ or defined $omc_email{$email}; return "C" if defined $committers{$email}; return "N"; } # If this commit is a new PR, print a CSV line. my $savedpr = 0; sub process { if ( $savedpr != $pr ) { for my $r ( @reviewers ) { my $a_type = user_type($author); my $r_type = user_type($r); print "$pr, $when, $author, $a_type, $r, $r_type\n"; } } $savedpr = $pr; $author = '-'; $pr = 0; $when = '-'; @reviewers = (); } # Get input source. my $LOG; if ( -t STDIN ) { open $LOG, "git log|" or die "Can't popen git log $!,"; } else { $LOG = *STDIN; } # Read/parse/process input. while ( <$LOG> ) { chop; if ( /^commit / ) { process(); } elsif ( /^Author:.*<(.*)>/ ) { $author = $1; } elsif ( /^Date:\s+... (.*) [-+]\d+/ ) { my @f = strptime($1); $when = sprintf "%4.4d-%02.2d-%02.2d", $f[5] + 1900, $f[4] + 1, $f[3]; } elsif ( /Reviewed-by: .*<(.*)>/) { push @reviewers, $1; } elsif ( m@Merged from\d+)@ ) { $pr = $1; } } process();