Hi Matt,
I said " It does not work" means, after I build the open-ssl1.1.1d with or without the "enable-deprecated" configuration, then use the library, header files in my application as before with the older version(1.0.2t), then my build failed, the errors are like:
Error C3861 'HMAC_CTX_init': identifier not found
Error C3861 'HMAC_CTX_cleanup': identifier not found
and more related to some struct def difference.
But as I imagine, it should not happen, right ?
On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 11:17 AM Michael Wojcik <Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Matt has answered the main question, but as an aside: -D"_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" suppresses warning messages from Microsoft's Visual C compiler for using various standard C library functions, rather than using the optional "secure" ones (a misnomer, as they are at best somewhat easier to use safely) added with C99 (in Appendix K of the C standard, I think; I'm traveling and don't have my copy handy). It has nothing to do with OpenSSL APIs, deprecated or otherwise; it just reduces noise from the Microsoft compiler.