The CIRALabs SecureHomeGateway generates an ECDSA key/CSR at manufacturing time which is enrolled into a CA to form an IDevID certificate. We are pondering a regression where the generated key goes clearly prime256v1, and "prime-field". We are generating with openssl req -new -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 \ -nodes -subj "/CN=${ULA_HOSTNAME}" \ -keyout ${KEY_NAME}.key -out ${KEY_NAME}.csr -outform DER \ -reqexts SAN \ -config /tmp/shg.ossl.cnf Evidence below, and also at: I thought that maybe we had a build-regression that meant that we went from 1.1.x back to 1.0.x (this is with's build of openwrt 18.06), but so far this does not appear to be the case. But... it worked before! I swear. (so I didn't think about the version that there) *** My question is: is there some build options that I can't see that might have affected this? Made it work before. My impression is that 1.0.x did *not* support ECDSA certificates, yet it seemed to generate CSRs, just does not put in the right OIDs in the public parts such that it is recognized by others. *** We happen to include 1.1.1 in a container, and I will probably change things to use the openssl inside the container to generate the CSR, but I'm rather confused. 1.1.1: root@turris:/etc/shg# openssl ec -noout -text -in shg.key read EC key Private-Key: (256 bit) priv: stuff pub: 04:0c:d5:2f:3b:ed:17:ae:dc:50:57:23:60:10:1e: e3:61:84:3b:f4:ad:dd:0d:f4:cd:b4:81:f9:45:4c: ee:aa:c6:d3:1a:0c:db:5d:4a:ad:fe:26:d7:c9:a8: a2:3c:b6:97:4e:f0:bc:10:37:a2:cc:7b:9a:e6:40: ea:c3:1d:d9:52 ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256 With an openssl 1.0.2s or 1.0.2l: OpenSSL 1.0.2l 25 May 2017 read EC key Private-Key: (256 bit) priv: stuff pub: 04:c5:e6:dc:fc:df:c1:c0:c2:88:c0:b8:c2:dc:d0: fa:1c:3a:84:1a:52:66:8c:fb:a1:bf:c9:77:e1:fa: 41:33:9a:33:2a:a8:73:ff:70:1b:3d:bb:d9:cf:a0: bb:9f:78:14:37:3a:f8:55:bc:7a:86:a3:c2:66:ea: b8:e9:3d:05:5d Field Type: prime-field Prime: ..elided A: B: Generator (uncompressed): Order: Cofactor: 1 (0x1) Seed: -- ] Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [ ] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works | IoT architect [ ] mcr@xxxxxxxxxxxx | ruby on rails [