The first thing to do is reconfigure, as that will regenerate the Makefile. Otherwise, the thing I can think of is if someone mixed up INCLUDE and SOURCE in a The following in crypto/bn/ would probably generate that kind of fault: SOURCE[../../libcrypto]=../include The correct line would be: INCLUDE[../../libcrypto]=../include (or well, if there's a '../include' somewhere in a SOURCE directive, it should be removed) Cheers, Richard On Tue, 04 Jun 2019 22:12:09 +0200, Salz, Rich via openssl-users wrote: > > > I am importing some code into openssl and getting a strange build error: > > make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'crypto/bn/crypto/include.o', needed by 'libcrypto.a'. Stop. > > Any common ideas on what to look for (e.g., missing header file, wrong INCLUDE settings in >, etc) ? > > -- Richard Levitte levitte@xxxxxxxxxxx OpenSSL Project