Hi Clarke,
Thanks for the email.
Sure, I want to publish the algorithm, but not yet... waiting for establishing a company.
For similar reasons no github usage at moment.
Il giorno lun 8 apr 2019 alle 18:06 Dennis Clarke <dclarke@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
On 4/8/19 11:48 AM, Giovanni Fontana wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> my name is Giovanni Fontana. I made a new symmetric crypto algorithm
> (let’s call it *algo1*) and a new asymmetric crypto algorithm (let’s
> call it *algo2*).
> I use algo2 for key exchange and with that I can create a session key to
> cipher and decipher with algo1, so Alice and Bob can communicate each
> other in secure way.
I think you would need to publish the algorithm at some point. Is there
a github link perhaps?