Re: Migrating to openssl 1.1.1 in real life linux server

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It sounds like a downstream ELF header nightmare.
Actually, it works just fine.  You link with the variant library,
and it happily coexists with any dependencies you may have that in
turn depend on the system TLS library.  The variant SONAME and
symbol versions provide all the requisite isolation.  You only
pay the cost of customization for the handful of packages you
want to have running against the non-default libraries.

Mildly interesting in giving it a try.  However I have 1.1.1 running and
tested fine on Solaris 10 sparc without any interferance from the system
provided ( ORacle? ) ssl bits. However I do have RUNPATH and RPATH set
to /usr/local/lib for everything I have built.

Otherwise, you have to be sure to recompile the world ...
Right.  Recompile the "world" isn't what it once was and a decently fast
system gets that done overnight.

In any case  is running just fine and a whole
slew of browsers ( and curl ) have hit it.  Nothing from the Opera folks
however. Makes me wonder about lynx/links text browsers too.

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