We are using OpenSSl 1.0.2n in our server running on LINUX.
We call SSL_connect() on async socket (after TCP connect completion) to establish a secure connection.
According to DOC SSL_get_error(() has to be called if SSL_connect() returns <=0
We do not understand what to do if SSL_get_error(() returns SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL and errno is EWOULDBLOCK
If SSL_get_error returns SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ or SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE it pretty clear what to do…
(we set the socket descriptor either in the readfds or writefds and call select to wait until the socket becomes readable or writeable (or times-out)
But when EWOULDBLOCK is indicated, we do not know whether to wait for readable/writeable……
(setting both might be an idea but could easily lead to a live-loop as we suppose that the handshake either waits for a read or for a write but not both…
Any ideas?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards,
Gerhard Jahn
Gerhard Jahn
Identity and Access Management
Phone: +49 (211) 399-33276
Phone: +49 (211) 399-22891
Email: gerhard.jahn@xxxxxxxx
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
81739 München, Germany

Atos Information Technology GmbH; Geschäftsführung: Winfried Holz, Udo Littke; Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: N.N.; Sitz der Gesellschaft: München; Registergericht: München, HRB 235509.
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