I can't reproduce the issue, using latest master for both gost and openssl:
/tmpram/gost > export OPENSSL_ENGINES=/tmpram/gost/engine/bin
/tmpram/gost > /tmpram/openssl-111-pre9-dev/bin/openssl pkey -engine gost -pubout -text -in tmp.pem
engine "gost" set.
Private key: 28A509558DB1969DB89A4CB517D8A759EAB79A6D09FEECDAE87B03BECA604B36
/tmpram/gost > /tmpram/openssl-111-pre9-dev/bin/openssl pkey -engine gost -pubout -text -in a.pem
engine "gost" set.
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Private key: 46150327559001221F9F1F9A50CD9E6A0CD5F5D0ADEA6439C1DB5E9EBD994BF6
Public key:
Parameter set: id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 18:15, Dmitry Belyavsky <beldmit@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello,--I use my engine providing gost algorithms (https://github.com/gost-engine/engine). It seems not to have any relevant changes between 1.1.0 and current master, but the commandOPENSSL_CONF=engine.conf openssl pkey -pubout -text -in tmp.pemworks ok for 1.1.0 version and does not work for current master.For the file a.pem both versions provide similar output.engine.conf is minimal conf to load gost engine:=============openssl_conf = openssl_def[openssl_def]engines = engine_section[engine_section]gost = gost_section[gost_section]engine_id = gostdynamic_path = /path/to/libgost.sodefault_algorithms = ALLCRYPT_PARAMS = id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet===============I've found out that behavior of the function EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp has changed between versions 1.1.0 and current master.Also I found that pkey command ignores result of the calls to EVP_PKEY_print_public and EVP_PKEY_print_private.Could you please clarify whether it's a bug in my engine or something incompatible in openssl code?Thank you!--SY, Dmitry Belyavsky
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