The current FIPS only supports dynamic libraries. You should try to get the email disclaimer removed when you post to a public email list. From: Emre BAYRAM <emreba@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi there, To add our application openssl fips capabilities we did the followings .
We have openssl-1.0.2n version and openssl-fips.2.0.16 version
Firtsly : When we are compiling openssl and fips we run this commands :
./config –shared --with-fipsdir=/root/openssl_files/ssl/fips2.0 -D_GNU_SOURCE
Make Make install ./config fips --openssldir=/root/openssl_files/ssl --with-fipsdir=/root/openssl_files/ssl/fips2.0 -D_GNU_SOURCE Make Make install Secondly (openssl Test) : After that we test it with: OPENSSL_FIPS=1 ./openssl md5 <file> It didn’t work as we expected ./openssl md5 <file> It worked as we expected Thirdly (combine with our app): As you see above we install the opensl at this specific path “/root/openssl_files/ssl” then we copy all files to application’s resource folder then we
compile our application with openssl static libraries (*.a).
Compile command : LIBS = -lpthread ./lib/libssl.a ./lib/libcrypto.a -ldl ./lib/libsrtp.a ./ice/libre.a INCLUDES = -I./$(OPENSSL_SRC_DIR_NAME)/include \ -I./$(OPENSSL_SRC_DIR_NAME)/crypto \ -I./$(OPENSSL_SRC_DIR_NAME)/crypto/include \ … CFLAGS = -g -Wall gcc $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -o <myApp.c> Our app uses openssl as static library ( ! ) . We call this function “FIPS_mode_set(1)” in our source code to enable fips mode and then we run our app, we get the following error message “139847561533096:error:2D06B06F:FIPS
routines:DSA_BUILTIN_PARAMGEN2:fingerprint does not match nonpic relocated:fips.c:232:” .
Are we wrong about compiling the openssl ? or compiling our app ? and is there anyway to enable fips mode without adding code line ? Bu e-posta mesajı ve ekleri gönderildiği kişi ya da kuruma özeldir ve gizlidir. Ayrıca hukuken de gizli olabilir. Hiçbir şekilde üçüncü kişilere açıklanamaz ve yayınlanamaz. Eğer mesajın gönderildiği
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