Hi there,
long time lurker ..
This sort of thing is a Remarkably Unique Occasion ...
Personally, I do subscribe here for genuine, up to date,
informative and even humorous (on occasion) information.
I do not expect this to be the sole source of my knowledge.
But .. I did learn of the impending and drastic changes
via this list *and not as an official notice but rather
by accident.
Personally, I would like to see such critical changes
flood the openssl chambers .. but I do also respect that
the people involved may have made their own personal choices
regarding their actions ... I guess it is very complicatted....
I would say "Good ~/Luck and Thank You" to those we loose
And (personally) "Thank You for stepping Into the breach"
those who choose to .. because they can ! .. I could not
God damn that Single Malt !
On 29/11/17 23:01, Salz, Rich via openssl-users wrote:
➢ It probably wouldn't hurt to post something to the lists when there's a blog post with news like this - items that subscribers would likely feel is important. Blog posts like the recent "OpenSSL in China" series probably don't need to be mentioned on the lists. But it's subjective, and I wouldn't want to create more work for anyone.
It’s a lot easier than writing the blog posts (
We should have been doing this from the very beginning, oops. We’ll try to do better.
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