I see that there are a few posts about compiling openssl on HP-UX, so I’m hopeful that someone can help me out.
I’m having issues getting things to completely finish the compilation process. There is an issue that some folks on Git-hub helped me resolve that was caused by some incompatibilities with HP’s make utility, but I have that resolved
now (https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/4689).
Now I'm seeing an issue with what I think is the final link step that I cannot find a solution to, and those people on Git-Hub were unable to help with. The issue changed - and of course I cannot figure out why, but the current
scenario is below.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm using all HP utilities, which mean their make and the aCC compiler to build the package.
I'm configuring with:
HP-UX : B.11.31 ia64
LDOPTS=+b /usr/local/epic/Epic2018/lib -L/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/lib
./config no-ssl3 no-zlib no-zlib-dynamic --prefix=/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/ --libdir=lib -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
Make errors out with the following (this is just the last bits of the output):
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D_REENTRANT -DOPENSSLDIR="\"/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/ssl\"" -DENGINESDIR="\"/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/lib/engines-1.1\"" -Ae +DD64 +Olit=all -z -DB_ENDIAN +O3 -D_REENTRANT -c -o apps/x509.o apps/x509.c
rm -f apps/openssl
make -f ./Makefile.shared -e \
PERL="/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/bin/perl" SRCDIR=. \
APPNAME=apps/openssl OBJECTS="apps/app_rand.o apps/apps.o apps/asn1pars.o apps/ca.o apps/ciphers.o apps/cms.o apps/crl.o apps/crl2p7.o apps/dgst.o apps/dhparam.o apps/dsa.o apps/dsaparam.o apps/ec.o apps/ecparam.o apps/enc.o apps/engine.o
apps/errstr.o apps/gendsa.o apps/genpkey.o apps/genrsa.o apps/nseq.o apps/ocsp.o apps/openssl.o apps/opt.o apps/passwd.o apps/pkcs12.o apps/pkcs7.o apps/pkcs8.o apps/pkey.o apps/pkeyparam.o apps/pkeyutl.o apps/prime.o apps/rand.o apps/rehash.o apps/req.o apps/rsa.o
apps/rsautl.o apps/s_cb.o apps/s_client.o apps/s_server.o apps/s_socket.o apps/s_time.o apps/sess_id.o apps/smime.o apps/speed.o apps/spkac.o apps/srp.o apps/ts.o apps/verify.o apps/version.o apps/x509.o" \
LIBDEPS=' '" -L. -lssl -L. -lcrypto"' -ldl -lpthread ' \
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D_REENTRANT -DOPENSSLDIR="\"/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/ssl\"" -DENGINESDIR="\"/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/lib/engines-1.1\"" -Ae +DD64 +Olit=all -z -DB_ENDIAN +O3 -D_REENTRANT ' \
_SOURCE=2 -D_REENTRANT -DOPENSSLDIR="/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/ssl" -DENGINESDIR="/usr/local/epic/Epic2018/lib/engines-1.1" -Ae +DD64 +Olit=all -z -DB_ENDIAN +O3 -D_REENTRANT -Wl,+s,+cdp,../:,+cdp,./: -o apps/openssl apps/app_ran
d.o apps/apps.o apps/asn1pars.o apps/ca.o apps/ciphers.o apps/cms.o apps/crl.o apps/crl2p7.o apps/dgst.o apps/dhparam.o apps/dsa.o apps/dsaparam.o apps/ec.o apps/ecparam.o apps/enc.o apps/engine.o apps/errstr.o apps/gendsa.o app
s/genpkey.o apps/genrsa.o apps/nseq.o apps/ocsp.o apps/openssl.o apps/opt.o apps/passwd.o apps/pkcs12.o apps/pkcs7.o apps/pkcs8.o apps/pkey.o apps/pkeyparam.o apps/pkeyutl.o apps/prime.o apps/rand.o apps/rehash.o apps/req.o apps
/rsa.o apps/rsautl.o apps/s_cb.o apps/s_client.o apps/s_server.o apps/s_socket.o apps/s_time.o apps/sess_id.o apps/smime.o apps/speed.o apps/spkac.o apps/srp.o apps/ts.o apps/verify.o apps/version.o apps/x509.o -L. -lssl -L. -lc
rypto -ldl -lpthread
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_mul_comba4" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_mul_comba8" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_sqr_comba4" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_sqr_comba8" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "OPENSSL_cpuid_setup" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_sub_words" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_sqr_words" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_mul_words" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_add_words" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_div_words" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "CRYPTO_memcmp" in file ./libssl.so
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "bn_mul_add_words" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: (Warning) Unsatisfied symbol "AES_decrypt" in file ./libcrypto.so.1.1
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "AES_encrypt" in file apps/speed.o
ld: Unsatisfied symbol "OPENSSL_cleanse" in file apps/apps.o
13 warnings.
2 errors.
*** Error exit code 1
*** Error exit code 1
*** Error exit code 1
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