On 26/10/2017 03:30, Steven Madwin via openssl-users wrote:
Starting with the definition of the subjectPublicKeyInfo from RFC
5280, Section 4.1 – Basic Certificate fields we see that the entry
contains two items:
SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
subjectPublicKey BIT STRING }
In RFC 4055 - Additional Algorithms and Identifiers for RSA
Cryptography for use in the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, Section 3
it states, “CAs that use the RSASSA-PSS algorithm for signing
certificates SHOULD include RSASSA-PSS-params in the
subjectPublicKeyInfo algorithm parameters in their own certificates.”
This all leads to me wondering if anyone is aware if there is a plan
afoot to add the option of including the RSA-PSS params as a third
item in the Subject Public Key Info entry in a future version of OpenSSL?
In the X.509 standard, "AlgorithmIdentifier" is itself a structure (see
for example RFC5280 section The RSASSA-PSS-params is the
second element of that structure. See RFC4055 section 6 for some (bad)
examples of AlgorithmIdentifier values, such as
rSASSA-PSS-SHA512-Identifier AlgorithmIdentifier ::= {
algorithm id-RSASSA-PSS,
parameters rSSASSA-PSS-SHA512-params }
rSSASSA-PSS-SHA512-params RSASSA-PSS-params ::= {
hashAlgorithm sha512Identifier,
maskGenAlgorithm mgf1SHA512Identifier,
saltLength 20,
trailerField 1 }
-- Note: The saltLength should be 64, not 20, for
-- rSSASSA-PSS-SHA512-param, see RFC4055 section 3.1
Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S. https://www.wisemo.com
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