> with a host device which will be ported with FIPS compliant OpenSSL library. Our embedded device will be using ECDSA (FIPS 186-3) and ECDH (FIPS SP800-56A) by calling APIs of ATECC508A SDK. Is there any compatibility issue? There shouldn't be. But interop is a hard thing, and a single bug on either side can break compatibility. You really won't know until you test it. > 1. Whether a digest signed using openssl library can be verified in our embedded module and vice-versa . As I said, it should work. > 2. We understand that, OpenSSL doesn’t have FIPS 140-2 certification for ECDH. If we use ECDH, whether we can claim our system to be FIPS 140-2 compliant? You should be careful what you say. If you claim to be certified, that would be lying ... > ---Disclaimer------------------------------ This e-mail contains PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Please get your company policy changed. Posting a big block disclaimer like this, when writing to a public mailing list, is very obnoxious. -- openssl-users mailing list To unsubscribe: https://mta.openssl.org/mailman/listinfo/openssl-users