thanks for explanation.
But why did Windows Cert Manager and Firefox Cert Manager show 00BEED73EE as serial number instead of BEED73EE (which openssl shows)?
Von: openssl-users <openssl-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> im Auftrag von Viktor Dukhovni <openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Gesendet: Samstag, 28. Januar 2017 17:00:53
An: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: Leading Zeros in ASN1_INTEGER?
Gesendet: Samstag, 28. Januar 2017 17:00:53
An: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: Leading Zeros in ASN1_INTEGER?
> On Jan 28, 2017, at 10:01 AM, Matthias Ballreich <matthias.ballreich@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> is it normal that OpenSSL removes the leading Zeros in an ASN1_INTEGER?
> I tried to read the Certificate Serial and the Certificate Serial in the
> AuthorityKeyID-Extension with C++, which works very well, but i noticed
> that OpenSSL removes the leading Zeros on it.
> The real ASN1-Value is: 00BEED73EE for example, but i got only BEED73EE.
> If i view the Certificate inside Microsoft Cert Tool (Certmgr.exe) the
> leading Zeros are listed there. Same on Firefox, if i Import and view
> the Certificate there. So is this the correct way of handling inside
> OpenSSL or is it a bug or?
Integers don't have leading zeros. Octet strings representing integers
(in non-DER form) might have leading zeros, but you should not confuse
the data type with its representation. OpenSSL outputs the correct DER
form of the serial *number* in certificates.
Leading zeros are needed in the DER representation of positive integers
whose most significant nibble is in the range from 8 to F. Otherwise
the leading bit would cause the integer to be interpreted as negative.
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