On 05/06/2016 07:45 AM, Salz, Rich wrote: >> Consider having the non-U.S. person do the account setup too. >> >> Banks are as scared of US jurisdiction as crypto engineers. > > Yeah, we've done that. Even to the point where one of the team was going to get on a plane to fly to the Isle of Mann. > > It's amazingly painful and difficult and so far not productive. > > ... FATCA means that no "U.S. person" can have any access to the bank account; we are well and painfully aware of that, and it's not a problem. Only three of us fall in that category anyway; OpenSSL is not a U.S. centric organization. Our U.S. connections are only due to the circumstantial fact that the OpenSSL team member (me) who initially set up our banking arrangements happened to be American. -Steve M. -- Steve Marquess OpenSSL Validation Services, Inc. 1829 Mount Ephraim Road Adamstown, MD 21710 USA +1 877 673 6775 s/b +1 301 874 2571 direct marquess at openssl.com gpg/pgp key: http://openssl.com/docs/0x6D1892F5.asc